After detailing my manager about the interactive work from my previous work, I convinced my manager that I can support for time being and would revert to the new service request once it gets active. Now, I have conveyed the same to the delivery team that I should not be supporting iterative requests from previous work, however since we have a good rapport, I have convinced my manager to give nod for further support. Agent hearing all these conversations and acknowledging my continuous effort, the delivery person looped me into original mail. Only after getting into the main thread I understood the extent of bandwidth required from my end to close this service request. I was shocked to see that it may require the entire day to complete a part of it and may need focus for the next two days. I got completely furious and now I have no other option but to support this request. For continuous two days, I was completely roasted with back to back calls and iterative changes to the document. With all my patience, I was able to close the document in time and while closing, I conveyed to that delivery lead that going forward I might not be able to support such ad-hoc requests. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”