Saturday, 13 November 2021

MAC's Time machine should enable online backup

I have been using for MAC operating system as my primary device for an exceptionally long time and have also faced situation, where my MacBook pro had died couple of times due to accidental damage. However, most of the times my time machine backup has always been the redeeming quality for me to restore my lost files and office documents. In recent times, making time machine backup in external physical hard drive have been the most frustrating and complicated process. Following are my concerns regarding time machine back up option enabled only on external hard drive: 
  • Physical hard drives getting damaged or corrupted: Time machine backup option in MAC is available to enable users have their system or important files backed up and help them during accidental damage or system failures. At times, when the system failed and you wanted to restore your files from time machine, the hard drive might be dead due to accidental drop and at challenging times the time machine files may be corrupted due to interruption on backing up files. These situation makes time machine backups unreliable and pointless during accidental damages. 
  • Carrying physical hard drives during travel: The accidental damages can happen at any time and often the accidental damage happens on the travel. Most times, MAC users will not be carrying their physical hard drive on the go and the time machine backup drives are stored in their desk. However, when the accidental damage happens on the road, the pain of recovering important files and data for work is frustrating and most complicated process. 
To overcome above scenarios, Apple should enable users to back-up their MAC through time machine to online drives and help users with seamless data recovery. Please feel free to check out the "G R Team Sites"

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