Friday, 5 August 2022

Lack of latest iWork App support for older Macs

I have been using Apple’s office version iWork applications like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for past few years. With ease of use and hand-off feature support across iOS devices, I felt inclined using iWork applications more than the traditional Microsoft office suite of applications. However, in 2021 Apple introduced new features and some latest updates to its iWork applications and the most disappointing update being lack of support for older macs. If a user creates new workbook with iWork applications and utilizes the latest features in their latest iOS devices, then the same workbook will become unavailable in older Mac’s and will not be accessible. Even if Apple decides to limit all new features for the latest devices, there should have been an option for users to open the workbooks created in latest version of iWork applications in their older macs. Because, at times many users like me trust using Numbers applications for tracking personal expenses and banking transactions. However, with recent backstabbing from Apple, users like me were left out with no options but to revert to Microsoft office suite of applications. With these recent announcements from Apple about dropping support of iWork applications would force its legacy users to switch to reliable Microsoft office application. Read more such articles from posts published in “G R Team Sites”

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